My Plant Medicine Journey - Guided Meditations Podcast

My Plant Medicine Journey is a transformative podcast offering guided meditations specifically designed for individuals working with plant medicine. These meditations aim to support listeners in integrating their plant medicine experiences into their daily lives, fostering personal growth, healing, and connection. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the profound wisdom of plant medicine and discover the tools to harness its transformative power for lasting change.

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7 days ago

This deeply compassionate meditation, crafted by Daniel Rios of My Plant Medicine Journey, is designed to guide you through the complex landscape of grief. Whether you are dealing with the recent loss of a loved one or continuing to navigate long-standing sorrow, this meditation provides a gentle and supportive space for you to honor your feelings and the memory of the person you miss.
Throughout the session, Daniel leads you through calming breathing exercises that help center your mind and soothe your emotions. You'll be invited to connect with your heart and recall cherished memories, using visualization techniques that reinforce the enduring bond with your loved one. This process not only helps in embracing the pain and sadness but also in finding a path to healing through remembrance and honor.
With the soothing mantra, "With love, I remember. With honor, you live on," this meditation encourages a nurturing dialogue with yourself, fostering healing and inner peace. It's an opportunity to affirm that though someone may no longer be physically present, their spirit and impact continue to resonate in your life.
Visit our website at to explore more about how you can find support and healing on your journey through grief. Join us to discover how connecting deeply with your emotions can lead to profound healing and growth.

Sunday Nov 05, 2023

Join us for "Embracing Calm: A Journey Through Anxiety," a guided meditation designed to help you connect with and overcome feelings of anxiety. In this session, we will guide you through a series of mindfulness practices and breathing techniques aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of your anxiety and developing strategies to manage and alleviate it.
Session Overview:
Introduction to Mindfulness:
Begin with an introduction to mindfulness, emphasizing its importance in recognizing and accepting your feelings without judgment.
Breath Work for Relaxation:
Engage in controlled breathing exercises, focusing on deep, calming breaths to relax the mind and body. This will help in activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which aids in reducing anxiety.
Connecting with Your Anxiety:
Gently guide participants to recall a recent moment of anxiety, not to dwell on it, but to understand it. By observing these feelings without judgment, participants can start to dissociate anxiety from their identity.
Reflective Questions:
Introduce reflective questions during the meditation to encourage a deeper understanding of anxiety triggers and responses. Questions might include: "What are the physical sensations you feel during anxiety?" or "What thoughts or events trigger these feelings?"
Visualization Techniques:
Lead participants through visualization exercises, imagining a place or scenario where they feel completely at peace. This practice helps in creating mental spaces of safety and comfort.
Positive Affirmations:
Incorporate positive affirmations to reinforce self-compassion and strength. Phrases like "I am more than my anxiety" or "I have the power to overcome my fears" can be powerful tools in reshaping thought patterns.
Concluding with a Return to Breath:
End the session by bringing the focus back to the breath, ensuring participants leave feeling grounded and centered.
Learn to manage anxiety through mindfulness and breathing techniques.
Gain insights into personal anxiety triggers and how to cope with them.
Develop a more compassionate and understanding relationship with yourself.
Acquire tools that can be used in daily life to maintain a sense of calm and control.
Join Us:
"Embracing Calm: A Journey Through Anxiety" is more than just a meditation session; it's a step towards understanding and mastering your anxiety. Whether you are new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, this session is designed to provide valuable insights and techniques that can be integrated into your daily life.

Friday Nov 03, 2023

In the latest episode of "Embracing Eternity," your host Daniel Rios Romero invites you on a profound meditative journey, inspired by the rich traditions of Día de los Muertos. This guided meditation is an invitation to honor the dearly departed and to explore the deeper meanings of life and death from a place of love, gratitude, and connection.
As the marigold petals of remembrance guide our path, Daniel gently leads listeners through a series of contemplative practices designed to bring comfort, clarity, and a renewed appreciation for the preciousness of life. This episode is not just a meditation but a celebration of the continuity between the physical and spiritual worlds, and the cycles that bind them together.
Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own mortality, not with fear, but with an open heart, contemplating the legacy they wish to leave behind. This immersive experience is a chance to connect with the wisdom that comes from acknowledging the impermanence of our existence and the beauty that can be found in every moment we are given.
Join us in embracing the eternal dance of life and death, finding peace within the natural rhythm of existence, and honoring those who have paved the way before us. Whether you are seeking solace, understanding, or simply a moment of peace, "Embracing Eternity" is here to guide you through.
For more resources and to continue your journey of discovery, visit Subscribe to our podcast to ensure you never miss an episode, and share this meditative practice with those who might find solace in its message.

Monday May 01, 2023

In this guided meditation session with Daniel Rios Romero, we focus on the crown chakra, Sahasrara, to nurture our connection to the divine and enhance our spiritual growth. This meditation aids in expanding consciousness, embracing knowledge, and cultivating spiritual fulfillment. Through visualization, affirmations, and deep breathing, listeners will strengthen their connection to the infinite wisdom of the universe, fostering a deeper sense of inner peace and enlightenment. Join us on this enlightening journey at My Plant Medicine Journey and continue to grow in both knowledge and spirituality. Namaste.

Monday May 01, 2023

In this guided meditation session, join Daniel Rios Romero as we explore the Third Eye Chakra, Ajna, to cultivate intuition, lucidity, and self-trust. Learn to connect with your inner wisdom by focusing on the indigo light in the center of your forehead and embracing powerful affirmations. This meditation will help you develop a stronger connection to your intuition and empower you to make confident decisions in your daily life. Rediscover the power of your inner guidance and experience a renewed sense of clarity and trust in yourself.

Monday May 01, 2023

Episode Description: Join meditation guide Daniel Rios Romero in this My Plant Medicine Journey podcast episode as he leads a transformative guided meditation focused on the throat chakra, or Vishuddha. Explore the power of communication, creativity, and inspiration while connecting with this vital energy center.
Enhance your self-expression, trust your inner voice, and unlock your creative potential through this soothing meditation. Discover affirmations to strengthen your confidence and embrace the power of the radiant blue light within your throat chakra. Experience self-discovery, inner growth, and a newfound connection to your authentic self in this inspiring episode.

Monday May 01, 2023

Join Daniel Rios Romero on this transformative guided meditation journey focusing on the heart chakra, Anahata. In this episode, learn how to deepen your connections with others and yourself by embracing acceptance, love, compassion, and sincerity. Through visualization, breathwork, and powerful affirmations, you'll cultivate a stronger connection to your heart chakra, allowing you to experience the nurturing warmth of love, compassion, and acceptance radiating throughout your entire being. Visit to discover more offerings and guided meditations that will support your journey of inner growth. Namaste.

Monday May 01, 2023

Join Daniel Rios Romero in this empowering guided meditation session focusing on the Solar Plexus chakra, Manipura. Discover your inner strength, determination, and embrace your unique personality as you nurture your sense of self and personal power. By connecting with your Solar Plexus chakra, you'll cultivate self-confidence and resilience to face any challenge. Visit to learn more about our offerings and other guided meditations. Embrace your inner power and move confidently through your day. Namaste.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

In this guided meditation session, led by Daniel Rios Romero, listeners focus on the sacral chakra (Svadhishthana) to promote emotional balance, fluidity, and self-expression. Through visualization of a warm, orange light, deep breathing exercises, and affirmations, participants connect with their emotions and creative essence, ultimately fostering a sense of authenticity and openness to growth.

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

Join Daniel Rios Romero in this guided meditation focused on grounding and self-trust through the exploration of the root chakra, Muladhara. Cultivate a sense of stability, security, and connection to the earth while strengthening your trust in your own inner wisdom. The session includes visualization techniques, breathing exercises, and affirmations, ultimately leading to a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. Visit to learn more about their offerings and other guided meditations.


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